Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Picture of the Day (link)

All the good stuff is in science and computers. This pic is from "radiology picture of the day": radpod.org.

This patient underwent an fMRI to localize language preoperatively.

Patients are asked to perform specific tasks while being imaged, such as motor activity (see image) or verbal tasks. The relevant parts of the brain will therefore demonstrate increased signal.

Incidentally, I read a cool article earlier today entitled: Numbers Guy: Are Our Brains Wired for Math? It's primarily about a researcher who uses brain scans to study how the brain processes numbers. Here's a quick excerpt:

Because Chinese number words are so brief—they take less than a quarter of a second to say, on average, compared with a third of a second for English—the average Chinese speaker has a memory span of nine digits, versus seven digits for English speakers. (Speakers of the marvellously efficient Cantonese dialect, common in Hong Kong, can juggle ten digits in active memory.)

Also on the subject, I suppose. Another blog of mine: counting people.

sugar babies (paint)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

images of today 2 (draw: blog)

trying out a new daily activity/blog idea: draw a news pic every day on a 3"x5" card. After a year I'll have a stack of 365.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

skull a day (link)

Being creative with materials: skull a day.

This is a carved potato: "Mr. Potato-skull":

alien lincoln (draw: paint)

12.5" x 22.5"

watercolor pencil and acrylic on cardboard box

coffee drinker (draw: paint)

wet acrylic and graphite pencil on newsprint mail

dignified do (dig:psd: self-p)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

foreign numbers (dig:psd: self-p)

samurai shades

A pretty cool art/illustration blog: Gianluca Folì Daily Art Journal

Monday, February 18, 2008

fun park drawing (draw:IoT)

water-color pencil and white acrylic. Too light on the blue, but super-basic amateur.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wooster Collective (link)

I like the lo-fi vibe and international scope of the The Wooster Collective (rss). One recent post: the freestyle combo-work of Michael Rodriguez: (to start with a bang)